Just missed it!
After a self-defense incident, lawyers could take months to scrutinize decisions you had to make in seconds. That’s why NOW is the time to learn what you can and cannot do in the name of self-defense.
Wm. Craig Penglase has been a 2A advocate and criminal defensive litigator trying cases specifically related to the misuse of firearms for over 20 years. He is an NRA and USCCA certified instructor in both pistol and rifle and the owner of Overwatch Armaments, Inc. where his mission is to teach defensive shooting and firearms safety.
This is information every gun owner should know, whether you legally carry or if you keep a firearm at home.
The course the Legal Use of Deadly Force, or as Craig refers to it "How Not to Be A Murderer" discusses topics including:
Parents, Teachers, Concerned Citizens, Business Professionals, Church Goers and Anyone Who Wants to Keep Themselves and Others Safe
Ongoing training to keep your family safe
Next steps you can take in your training to ensure you are prepared.
PLUS: LIVE Q&A with USCCA-Certified Instructors
We Educate. We Train. We Save Lives.